Printed in Rusch's type 1:103R.
Dated about 1475 in CIBN, about 1474 by Goff. PML copy with manuscript table of contents on paper with watermark dated to 1474 by Piccard.
Collation: [1⁸ 2¹⁰ 3¹⁰(+8*); 4-5¹⁰ 6⁶ 7⁸ 8-9¹⁰ 10¹²; 11-12¹⁰ 13-14⁶; 15-16¹⁰ 17-18⁶ 19-21¹⁰ 22⁶(+2*) 23⁶ 24¹⁰]: 212 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [24]/10 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28 x 20 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [1]/1 (blank).
Hand decoration: Rubricated, lombards, paragraph marks, capital strokes and underlining in red; initial on leaf [1]/2r partially faded. Annotations: Contemporary manuscript quire signatures, mostly trimmed. Four leaves added at end ([25]/4) with contemporary table of contents in light brown (faded?) ink (leaves [24]/9v-[25]/1r) with faded note in same hand on leaf [25]/3r; Agnus dei watermark dated to 1474 (Piccard, Wasserzeichen, XV/3: 1725). Contemporary annotations in inner margins of brackets, manicules, and clustered dots.