Title from incipit at head of leaf [a]1r.
Date from colophon on leaf [f]6v; other imprint details supplied from ISTC. Exact place of publication in Italy is unknown, although the affinities of the type are with Roman and Venetian models - cf. BM 15th cent.
Printed in type 1:106R.
The book is found in both Chancery folio and Royal quarto formats, but with same collation.
Collation: [a-b¹⁰; c-e¹⁰ f⁶]: 56 leaves, leaf [b]10 blank.
C. Salustii Crispi De coniuratione Catiline. Proemium
Hand decoration: Rubricated, contemporary (German?) alternating red and blue lombards. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.