Collation: a⁶ b-c⁴: 14 leaves.
Dated on paper evidence (WILC). GW leaves undated.
Explicit (leaves c3v-c4r): Explicit formula vivendi canonicorum. Hec prescripta formula vive[n]di edita dicit[ur] a quodam religioso ordinis Carthusiens[is] utiq[ue] magne scie[n]tie [et] devotio[n]is viro ut ex hoc eius patet opusculo...
HPT left undecided the question whether this book was printed at Alost or at Antwerp.
Paper format: Chancery quarto
PML Checklist has pub. date: "[1490]."
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20.8 x 13.2 cm
Printed in Martens's type 2:72G (half-title) and 3:145G.
Title from half-title page (leaf a1r): Incipit formula vive[n]di canonicor[um] sive vicarior[um] secularium aut etia[m] devotor[um] p[res]b[ite]ror[um].
Formula vivendi canonicorum
Hand decoration: Rubricated, blue lombard with red penwork decoration (leaf a3r); red lombards, paragraph marks, and capital strokes (all works in volume rubricated the same). Annotations: Marginal nota bene marks.