Title from incipit, leaf b1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf i9r: "Adam alamanus Impressioni parauit. Anno salutis .M.CCCC.lxxxvj. die secunda mensis decembris." Place of printing from ISTC.
Printing place assigned to Aquila in PML Checklist.
Printed in Rottweil's type 6:66G.
Signatures: a-h⁸ i¹⁰: 74 leaves, leaf a1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
"A close reprint, with the same page-contents, of Ratdolt's edition, Venice, 1485, with the omission of the dedication to Niccolò Mocenigo at the beginning and of the imprint 'Venetiis ... Mocenico' at the end of the colophon. The cuts are suggested by those of Ratdolt but are more carefully executed."--British Museum catalogue.
"On the printer see V. Scholderer, in The Library 5th ser., 1 (1946) pp. 237-42, reprinted in Fifty Essays (Amsterdam, 1966) pp. 179-82"--ISTC.
Scholderer's conclusions are summarized in the British Museum catalogue: "The only known book executed with its peculiar small black type. It has hitherto been accepted as the work of De Rottweil at Aquila (Copinger 2438, following Holtrop), but while it may well be by him it cannot have been printed at Aquila, where all trace of De Rottweil disappears early in 1484 ... It seems probable that on leaving Aquila he returned to Venice, worked in Ratdolt's office until this was wound up in the course of 1486, and then produced the Rolewinck at the very end of that year somewhere in Piedmont or the South of France, as indicated by the watermarks--more probably the latter, as several of the known copies ... contain French names of early owners."
Capital space on a2r; woodcut capitals on b1r and e1v; woodcut title "Fasciculus Temporum" on b1r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.7 x 20 cm.
Caption to table, leaf a2r: Tabula co[m]modissima super libro seque[n]ti q[ui] fascicul[us] d[icitu]r te[m]po[rum] ...
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized (where required, i.e. leaf a2r only). Annotations: A few early marginal notes and brackets sporadically throughout text.