Title from incipit, leaf A2v: Fascicul[us] te[m]poru[m] o[mn]es antiquoru[m] crnoicas [com]plecte[n]s: admissus ab alma vniuersitate Colon[iensis]. Incipit feliciter.
Imprint from colophon, leaf h6v: Imp[re]ssum p[er] me Henricu[m] quentel Et admissu[m] ab alma vniuersitate Colonien[sis]. Explicit feliciter. Sub anno d[omi]ni 1480. Laus deo.
Printed in Quentell's type 1:102G.
PML Checklist attributed to Quentell's first press.
Signatures: A⁸ a⁶ b⁸ c-e⁶ f¹⁰ g-h⁸ i⁶: 72 leaves, leaf A1 blank.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Woodcuts, including a view of Cologne (leaf c2v) and the Three Kings before the Virgin and Child (leaf c3r, also found in many of Quentell's title-page borders).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39.4 x 29.2 cm.
Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas conplectens
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials and paragraph marks (primary initial with green penwork decoration). Woodcuts highlighted in red and yellow. Red foliation. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Contemporary manuscript numeric signatures.