Fasciculus te[m]poru[m] o[m]nes antiquo[rum] cronicas [con]plecte[n]s.

Accession number: 
PML 20677
Rolevinck, Werner, 1425-1502.
Ab alma universitate Coloniensis : impressum per me Hinricum Quentel, Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimonono [1479].
[72] leaves ; illustrations (woodcuts, typographic charts) ; (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by J.P. Morgan, Jr., 1917.

Title from incipit, leaf b2v: Fasciculus te[m]poru[m] o[m]nes antiquo[rum] cronicas [con]plecte[n]s: admissus ab alma uniu[er]sitate Colo[niensis]. Incipit feliciter.
Imprint from colophon, leaf h8v: Impressum per me Hinricu[m] quentel et admissu[m] ab alma uniuersitate Colonien[sis]. Explicit feliciter. Sub a[n]no domini Millesimoquadringe[n]tesimoseptuagesimonono. Laus deo.
Printed in Quentell's type 1:102G.
Signatures: b-f¹⁰ g-h⁸ [i]⁶: 72 leaves, leaf b1 blank; no quire a.
Paper format: Royal folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 38 x 27.5 cm.

18th-century English sprinkled calf over paper boards (39 x 28.5 cm), sewn on 6 supports, for Fountaine. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; decorative endbands; sprinkled edges.
Variant Title: 

Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas conplectens


Hand decoration: Contemporary French rubrication, alternating red and blue initials and paragraph marks, with red foliation; primary initial illuminated (modern?), blue and red leaf ornament on gold ground (leaf b2r). Annotations: Minimal marginal notations in text (a few "Nota" marks and textual corrections) and additional entries added to register. Contemporar manuscript title inscription (leaf [i]6v). Drawing of a man's profile (leaf h8r).

Unidentified inscription in a French hand, 15th century, abraded (leaf b2r); Andrew Fountaine (1676-1753), armorial crest (spine); Charles Fairfax Murray (1849-1919), booklabel (front pastedown), his sale, Christie's, 10 Dec. 1917, lot 378 to Quaritch (with collation note, rear pastedown) for: J.P. Morgan, Jr. (1867-1943), purchased Dec. 1917 (accessioned 1919).