Title and imprint from colophon, printed in red (leaf [8]/8r): Impressa est hec cronica que dicitur fasciculus te[m]poru[m] colonie agrippie fisut ab auctore suo quoda[m] devoto carthusiensi colonie edita est. ac secundu[m] primu[m] exemplar quod ipse venerabilis autor p[ro]priis co[n]scripsit manibus ad fine[m] usq[ue] deducta p[er] me arnoldu[m] ther huerne[n]. sub annis d[o]m[ini] .M.cccc.lxxiiii. De quo sit deus benedictus in secula Amen. [printer's mark]
Printed in ter Hoernen's types 1:100G and 2:88G.
Collation: [1¹⁰; 4-5¹⁰ 6-8⁸]: 74 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Tabula, incipit, and colophon printed in red.
Two versions of the Tabula are known, consisting of 8 or 9 leaves. There are also a number of printing variants, see Hellinga and Ford, "Deletion or Addition."
Text ends with events in 1473/74.
Author's name sometimes spelled Rolewinck.
PML copy includes the tabula.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.2 x 20.8 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [1]/1(blank).
Fasciculus temporum
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red and blue alternating lombards and paragraph marks, red capital strokes and underlining. Roman and arabic folio numeration in 3 hands in top center of rectos, some trimmed. Annotations: Several marginal notations (mainly near end) in several hands.