Vocabularius breviloquus.

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Accession number: 
PML 22072
Reuchlin, Johann, 1455-1522.
Impressus Lugduni : per Petrum Ungarum, 1482.
[330] leaves ; 31cm (fol.)
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Purchased in 1923.

Title and imprint from colophon, leaf 8/9v: "Finit vocabularius Breviloquus. triplici alphabeto diversis ex autoribus necno[n] corpore utriusq[ue] iur[is] collectus. ad latinu[m] sermone[m] capessendu[m] utilissim[us]. Imp[re]ssus Lugd[uni] p[er] m[a]g[ist]r[um] Pet[rum] ungaru[m]. Anno d[omi]ni 1482.
Printed in Peter of Hungary's types 1:79G and 2:160G.
Signatures: [1]⁶; a-r¹⁰ [long-s]⁸ s¹⁰ t⁸ u v vv x¹⁰ y¹²; 1-5¹⁰ 6-7⁸ 8¹⁰: 330 leaves, leaf 8/10 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
For the attribution of the De arte punctandi to Guillaume Fichet rather than to Johannes de Lapide, see E. Beltran in Scriptorium, 39 (1985) 284-91 (Hillard 1733).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.7 x 20.6 cm.

15th-century German blind-stamped calf over partially-beveled wooden boards (31.5 x 22cm), sewn on 3 supprots, probably bound in Nuremberg with tools attributed to several shops including Artischocke III (EBDB w002634, active 1481-85) and Pelikan (EBDB w002621, active 1484-1520), blind-tooled title. Plain paper pastedowns; braided endbands. Manuscript quire guards. Center boss, corner plates, and catch plates, 2 clasps missing; hasp mark from chain on rear board.

Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initial on leaf a1r only, remainder unrealized. Annotations: Contemporary 4-verse poem: "Si te materne remoratur inercia lingue..." (leaf [1]/1v, poem typically found in Melber, Vocabularius praedicantium (see edition printed Nuremberg : Peter Wagner, 18 Aug. 1483, ISTC im00462000, leaf a2r). One contemporary marginal notation, leaf g1r.

Jacob (d. 1501) and Johann (1472-1558) Protzer, inscription, 1488: "Et liberalitate Jacobi Protzer, Joha[nn]is Protzer I[ure] V[triusque] lic[entia]t[us] aq[ue]simi A[nn]o M cccc lxxxviii. i glas(?) remisch. [rennisch? = currency?]" inscribed below hand-drawn Protzer armorial, inscription in banderole at top, mostly abraded: "[???] M F." (front pastedown, with another armorial drawn at the bottom of leaf a1r), Johann Protzer bequeathed his books to three libraries in his home town of Nördlingen, the majority, including 101 volumes of Roman law, to the Ratsbibliothek (chained library); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Tregaskis, Sept. 1923.