Title from table incipit (leaf a2r): This is the table of the historye of reynart the foxe.
Translator and translation date from colophon (leaf l5v): And yf ony thyng be said or wreton herin / that may greve or dysplease ony man, blame not me / but the foxe / for they be his wordes [and] not myne, Prayeng alle them that shal see this lytyl treatis / to correcte and amende, Where they shal funde faute / for I have not added ne mynusshed but have folowed as nyghe as I can my copye which was in dutche, and by me Will[ia]m Caxton translated in to this rude [and] symple englyssh in thabbey of westmestre. fynysshed the vi daye of Juyn the yere of our lord .M.CCCC.Lxxxi. [and] the xxi yere of the regne of kynge Edward the iiiith/. Here endeth the historye of Reynard the foxe [etc.].
Printed in Caxton's type 2*:135B.
Collation: a-g⁸ h⁸⁽⁸⁺¹⁾ i⁸ k-l⁶: 85 leaves, leaves a1 and l6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Translated by William Caxton from an edition in Dutch, now lost, presumably preceding that of Gerard Leeu, 1479, or from the Leeu edition (ISTC).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.5 x 18.2 cm, trimmed.
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No notations in text.