Title from incipit (leaf a1r).
Colophon (leaf [rum]4v): Venetiis per Bonetum Locatellum, mandato ac sumptibus nobilis viri Octaviani Scoti civis Modoetienses, anno ab incarnatio[n]e Redemptoris nostri Christi Iesu optimi maximiq[ue]. M.CCCCLXCIII. XVI. Kalendas Sextiles.
There are two editions with the same colophon, one a page-for-page reprint of the other. In the true 1493 edition, the printer's device on the verso of leaf [rum]5 measures 90 x 57 mm. and the penultimate quire is signed [con]. In the reprint ed. ([after 1500]) the printer's device on [rum]5v measures 83 x 51 mm. and the penultimate quire is signed [us]. Cf. Husung 198 and 199.
Printed in Locatellus's types 5:80R, 6:105R, 80Gk and 105Gk.
Collation: [1]²; a-z⁸ &⁸ [con]⁶ [rum]⁶: 206 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [rum]6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Includes the commentary of Raphaello Regius.
White-on-black woodcut initials at beginning of each book; initial spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere; woodcut diagrams in text.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.3 x 20.7 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: [1]/1 and [rum]6 (blank).
Two works bound together only in modern era: the marginal hands are different in each work and paper evidence does not suggest that they have been bound together for long.
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: Contemporary manuscript notations throughout in several hands, in Latin and Greek.