Title and imprint from ISTC.
Printed in the Printer of Dictys type 1:99G.
Polain describes a copy with purchase date 'xix sept. M.cccclxx'.
Collation: [1⁶]: 6 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto, in half-sheets.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 21.5 x 14.5 cm.
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining (same style in works 1-3 and 5 in volume). Annotations: A few contemporary marginal notations throughout text. Manuscript table of contents for Sammelband (front endleaf 1 recto) and extensive notes at end of volume, including text De complexionibus (see Werner Seyfert, “Ein Komplexionentext einer Leipziger Inkunabel (Angeblich eines Johann von Neuhaus) und seine Handschriftliche Herleitung aus der Zeit nach 1300.” Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin 20, no. 3 (1928): 272-99) and several sermons.