Title from half-title page (leaf a1r): Incipiu[n]t prenosticata Juliani pomerii urbis tolentane episcopi de futuro seculo.
Dated on paper evidence (WILC). HPT is unable to date more closely than 1486-97. Goff dated about 1487.
Checklist has pub. date: "[1490]."
Collation: a⁸ b-d⁶ e⁴: 30 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20.8 x 13.2 cm.
Prognosticon de futuro saeculo.
Hand decoration: Rubricated, alternating red and green lombards with opposing penwork decoration, red paragraph marks, underlining, and capital strokes (all works in volume rubricated the same). Annotations: Extensive contemporary Latin notations in an English hand (leaf e4v and facing blank fly leaf).