Title and imprint from colophon, leaf &&9v: Virorum illustrium uitae ex Plutarcho graeco in latinum uersae solertiq[ue] cura emendatae foeliciter expliciu[n]t: per Nicolaum Ienson Gallicum Venetiis i[m]ressae .M.cccc.lxxviii. die .ii. Ianuarii.
Printed in Jenson's type 1:115R.
Signatures: a¹⁰ b¹² c-m¹⁰ n⁸ o-x¹⁰ y-z⁸ &⁸; A¹² B-E¹⁰ F-N⁸/¹⁰ [O-P]⁸ Q-Y¹⁰ Z⁸ &&¹⁰: 462 leaves, leaves a1, b7, and A1-2 blank. Leaf C1 signed cc1 and A3 signed A1, etc.; quire O signed oo; P signed pp. Variant collations in quires b and A due to recording of blank leaves.
Paper format: Super-median folio.
Includes lives of Hannibal, Scipio Africanus, and Carolus Magnus by Donatus Acciaiolus; of Agesilaus by Xenophon (attributed to Plutarch); of Cicero by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus (attributed to Plutarch); of Evagoras by Isocrates; of T. Pomponius Atticus by Cornelius Nepos; of Plato by Guarinus Veronensis; of Aristoteles by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus (attributed to Guarinus); and of Homer, ascribed to Herodotus. Includes also De historia Romana of Sextus Rufus.
Translations by Lapo da Castiglionchio, Francesco Filelfo, Donato Acciaiuoli, Guarino Veronese, Antonio Pacini, Francesco Barbaro, Leonardo Bruni, Alamanno Rinuccini, Leonardo Giustiniani, Battista Guarini, Jacques Angeli, and Pellegrino Agli.
ISTC note: PML (2, 1 v. II only, vell [vol I at BN Paris]).
PML copy is vol. II only, printed on vellum; vol. I of this set is at Paris, BnF, see CIBN P-491.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 41 x 28 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: A1 (blank).
Virorum illustrium vitae
Hand decoration: Contemporary Venetian illumination, frontispiece of a jeweled bookcover set in a landscape (leaf A1r) and initials by Girolama da Cremona.