Title from colophon, leaf [2]/9r: Plutarcus de liberis educandis feliciter explicit.
Imprint from ISTC.
Printed in type 1:102R.
BMC (VII 1124) located this press near Venice; CIBN and R.C. Mathiesen, in Books at Brown 28 (1981) pp. 114-17, suggest Padua.
Collation: [1-2¹⁰]: 20 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [2]/10 blank.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.
GW suggests that this is not an independent work but part of one with Basilius, De legendis antiquorum libris, 17 Nov. 1471 (ISTC ip00820700, GW M34410), which inscription in PML copy substantiates.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 19.7 x 13 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [2]/10 (blank).
Hand decoration: Contemporary Italian rubrication, alternating red and blue initials, yellow capital strokes. Decorative inscription, in red and blue with fleurons: "Guarini Veronens traductio Plutarchi de liber educandis ad angelum carissimum sibi" (leaf [1]/1v). Annotations: Several contemporary marginal notations in a contemporary Italian hand throughout. Inscriptions, in an early hand: "Basilii & plutarchi de erudicandis filiis. v.o." (leaf [1]/1r) and "Celeri hora fugit: mors improba passu properat" (leaf [2]/9v).