Authorship of De viris illustribus unknown. Here attributed to Pliny, although Sextus Aurelius Victor was generally but erroneously preferred from the 16th century. (M. M. Sage, The De Viris Illustribus: authorship and date, Hermes 108 (1980), pp 83-100).
Title from caption, leaf a2r: C. Plinii secvndi novocomensis oratoris epistolarvm liber primvs.
Imprint from GW.
Printed in Rubeus's types 2:82R and 17:82Gr.
IGI and CIBN date this edition about 1500; Rhodes dates about 1492-95.
Signatures: a-k⁸ l-m⁴ n⁶; A-B⁴ C⁶: 108 leaves, leaf a1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
Edited by Antonius Moretus, with epigram in honor of Moretus by Marcellus Philoxenus.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 21.1 x 15.6 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: a1 (blank).
C. Plinii secundi novocomensis oratoris epistolarum
Hand decoration: Contemporary (German?) rubrication, red and blue initials (primary initials with penwork decoration), red paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining; same throughout volume. Annotations: A few contemporary (not Italian hand?) marginal notations in text, mainly at incipits; in same hand, contents list (front endleaf 1 recto) and title inscription (spine). Manuscript title on wrapper spine.