Venice : Laurentius de Aquila and Sibylinus Umber, 13 June 1475.
[94] leaves ; 30.5 x 22 cm. (fol.)
Credit Line:
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1908.
18th/19th-century red, straight-grained morocco with the gilt arms of Wodhull over paper boards (30.5 x 22 cm.), 5 supports by Maria Weir for Wodhull. Marbled paper pastedowns and fly leaves with plain paper fly leaves; decorative endbands.
Johannes Tichtell, prof. of medicine at Univ. of Vienna, inscription, 20 April 1477: "Emptus a me Joanne Tichtell ex Grein [an der Donau, Upper Austria] arcium liberalium & medicine doctore Anno d[omi]ni 1477 in Universitate Vienniensi cuius Magistratum tunc tenebat clarissimus vir Magister Bartholomeus Tichtell ex Greÿn germanus meus sacre theologie licentiatus necnon collegii ducalis collegrat[us] in eodem nostre nationis Austrie senior in c[uius] p[re]sentia hodie v[idel]ic[et] 6ta feria post Tiburtium et Valerium [14 April] cum procuratore predicte nationis compactum feci v[idel]ic[et] magistro Gaspare Mortiz de Schonnau in Bursa Rosa conventore," (leaf [12]/7v); Egerton Leigh (1702-1760), Archdeacon of Salop (father of George Leigh, bookseller); his sale, Leigh & Sotheby, 4 Feb. 1799; Michael Wodhull (1740-1816), binding and inscriptions, 15 June 1799 (first paper fly leaf), purchased at Leigh's sale for £1.13.0 and had bound for £1.5.0, Wodhull left his collection to his sister-in-law Mary Ingram, who left it in 1824 to Samuel Amy Severne; J.E. Severne and Wodhull sale, Sotheby's London, 11 January 1886, lot 2006, for £4; William Loring Andrews (1837-1920), bookplate (front pastedown); unidentified (Leigh or Andrews?) shelf mark: Y.3.8 (front fly leaf verso); Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased from Giuseppe Martini, Sept. 1908.