Title from caption (leaf a2r).
Printed identified based on type.
In a letter of 24 Nov. 1489, Bartolommeo Fonzio thanks the editor Salviati for sending him a copy; cf. Bartholomaei Fontii Epistolarum Libri, ed. A. Daneloni (Messina, 2008) ep. II.14 (p. 86) (M.C. Davies).
Printed in Libri's type 2:115R.
Signatures: a-f⁸ g¹⁰: 58 leaves, leaf g10 blank.
Edited by Robertus Salviatus.
Salviatus dedicated to Lorenzo de' Medici in preface (leaf a1v).
Blind bearer type visible (leaves a1 and g9).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.9 x 20.5 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: g10 (blank).
Heptaplus de septiformi sex dierum Geneseos enarratione
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized (leaf a2r), otherwise not required. Annotations: No marginal notes in text, early manuscript foliation.