Title from explict (leaf [32]/6r): Explicit historia scolastica.
Printed in Winters's type 1:99G.
Dated in CIBN (P-224) from one of the Paris BN copies, read and annotated 14 April 1477. BMC and Goff date before 20 Sept. 1479?, Polain(B) 3089 dates about 1475 (ISTC).
Collation: [1-9¹⁰ 10⁸ 11⁴; 12-20¹⁰ 21⁸; 22-30¹⁰ 31⁸ 32⁶]: 304 leaves, leaf [11]/4 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.5 x 20.4 cm.
PML copy listed under Division B in Checklist.
Historia scholastica
Hand decoration: Rubricated only in quires [1-2], red lombards, capital strokes, paragraph marks, and underlining; contemporary manuscrip title at incipit (leaf [1]/1r). Annotations: No notations in text. Contemporary pen trials (leaf [11]/4).