Title from caption, leaf a1r: [I]nfrascripte sunt peregrinationes totius terre sancte que a modernis eregrinis visitant.
Imprint from colophon, leaf g4v: Finiunt Indulge[n]tie: [et] pegrinationes terre sa[n]cte hierusalem Venetiis mpresse [sic].
Printed in unidentified type 80G (same as de Tortis 9:79G or Novimagio 12:80G?).
PML Checklist note suggests redating as [1488-89] since type similar to de Tortis or Novimagio, but still predating May 1491 Sessa edition (ISTC ip00262700).
Signatures: a-g⁴: 28 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery octavo.
Printed in black and red.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 14.4 x 9.8 cm.
Hand decoration: Contemporary Italian rubrication, alternating red and blue (faded to green) initials with sevral red crosses added throughout the margins. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.