Title from half-title page (leaf A1r): Sermones dominicales ex epistolis et evangelys atq[ue] de sanctis s[ecundu]m ecclesie ordine[m] Wilhelmi Cancellary parisiensis.
Colophon (leaf ll8r): Et sic finem sumit sermologus Guilelmi parisiensis. Expensis Friderici meynberger et ductu magistri Joha[n]nis Otmar in Thubing[e]n feliciter exact[us] feria tercia post Invocavit. Anno. 99.
Printed in types 7*:150G, 11:66G, and 13:80G.
In three parts: I) Sermones de tempore super epistolas, II) Sermones de tempore super evangelia, and III) Sermones de sanctis.
Collation: I) A-N⁸ O⁶ P⁸; AA-BB⁶: 130 leaves; II) a-g⁸ h⁶ i-q⁸ r⁶ s-t⁸ [1]⁶ [2]⁸: 162 leaves; III) aa-ll⁸ [3]¹⁰: 98 leaves, leaf 55/10 blank. Quires [1] signed 1-3, [2] signed 4-7, and [3] signed 22-55.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Bearer type on leaves AA1r and aa1r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.5 x 20.5 cm.
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards, paragraph marks, underlining, L-brackets, and capital strokes. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Manuscript title on fore edge.