Title from ISTC.
Imprint derived from both colophons.
First colophon, part I, leaf t5v: Explicit [secunda] p[ar]s sup[er] [secundo] decretaliu[m] do[mini] abbat[is] siculi venetijs imp[re]ssa impe[n]dio Iohannis de colonia Iohannisq[ue] Ma[n]then de gherretzem socio[rum] anno salut[is] christiane .M.cccc.lxxix. tertio nonas decembris. Laus deo.
Second colophon, part II, leaf s8v: Tertia p[ar]s sup[er] [secundo] decretaliu[m] libro clarissimi vtriusq[ue] iurisco[n]sulti d[omi]ni abbat[is] siculi finit. Impendio ac liberalitate Ioahnnis de colonia agrippiensi Ioha[n]nisq[ue] manthen gheretzen socio[rum] venetijs impressa decimo cale[n]das februarias anno salut[is] d[omi]nice .M.cccclxxix. Laus deo.
In two parts, dated: I) 3 Dec. 1479; II) 23 Jan. 1479/80.
Printed in Colonia and Manthen's types 5:200G and 14:94G.
Signatures, part I: a-r⁸ s-t⁶: 148 leaves, leaf a1 blank; part II: a-r⁸ s¹⁰: 146 leaves, leaves a1 and s10 blank.
Paper format: Royal folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39.7 x 27 cm.
PML copy is part I only.
Checklist title: Lectura super Decretalium, II:2
Hand decoration: Contemporary Italian (Roman?) rubrication, alternating red and blue initials and paragraph marks; illuminated primary initial and foliate border with armorial (leaf a2r). Annotations: No marginal notations in text.