Title from half-title page, leaf a1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf t10r: Cy finissent les cent nouvelles nouvelles composees et recitees par nouvelles gens de puis na gueres/ et imprimees a paris le .xxiiii. iour de decembre Mil CCCC.lxxx. et vi. p[ar] a[n]thoine verard libraire demourant a paris sur le pont nostre dame a lymage saint jehan leva[n]geliste ou au palaiz au premier pillier devant la chappelle ou on cha[n]te la messe de messeigneurs les presidens. [Verard's mark]
Attributed to Caillaut in CIBN from the state of the types. Printed in Caillaut's types 12:100G and 3:112G.
Signatures: a¹⁰ b-d⁸ e⁶ f-s⁸ t¹⁰: 154 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Attributed to Ludovicus XI (Goff).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 24.1 x 17.3 cm.
PML copy missing 12 leaves: leaf a1r (replaced in manuscript facsimile) and s8-t10 (replaced in manuscript).
Hand decoration: Contemporary Low Countries rubrication, alternating red and blue initials and paragraph marks with pen flourishing, and red capital strokes. Woodcuts not colored, but some broken borders filled in with red. Annotations: 1 contemporary marginal notation in French (leaf a4r).