Title from incipit (leaf [2]/1r): Hie hebt sich an das aller nüczlichest bůch/ gena[n]t die vierundzweinczig guldin harpffen/ die mit fleiβ auβ der beiligen geschrifft und der altväter bůch/ durch eine[m] hochgelerte[m] doctor Brůder Hansen Nÿder/ prediger ordens zů Nüremberg...
Colophon (leaf [18]/5r): Hie ennde[n] sich die vierun[d]zweinczig gnldin [sic] harpffen/ die gezogen seind auβ Collac[i]o[n]ib[us] patr[um]/ das ist auβ d[em] heylige[n] altväter bůch. Und die hat getrückt Johannes Bämler In der keÿserlichen stat Augspurg An freÿtag vor weÿhennächten. Anno [etc] In dem. lxxii. iare.
Printed in Bämler's type 1:145(140)G.
Collation: [1⁴; 2-10¹⁰ 11⁶ 12⁶(4+1 init dem herre[n]) 13-17¹⁰ 18⁴(4+1 so es zeitlichs)]: 162 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank. Variant collation in GW.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Red printed incipit citing Johannes Nider as translator (leaf [1]/3v). PML copy does not have red printed initial as in BMC.
A revision and German translation of Johannes Cassianus, Collationes patrum.
Woodcut frontispiece of enthroned God the Father surrounded by 24 Elders (leaf [1]/4v) and woodcut initials.
PMl copy leaf dimensions: 29 x 20 cm.
PML copy with many quires with modern(?) reinforcement at gutter.
Die vierundzwanzig goldenen Harfen.
Hand decoration: Rubricated (rather sloppy), red 2-line lombards, paragraph marks (backwards-D type), capital strokes, and underlining, with woodcut initials colored in red, blue, and green; blue initial on blind-stamped gold ground with foliate marginal decoration, in Augsburg style (leaf [2]/1r). Annotations: Manuscript foliation in lower right corner, mainly trimmed but typically only in first half of quire. Minimal marginal notations, generally noting authorial source. God the Father woodcut with red highlighting and names of Evangelists filled in on their symbols.