Missale Vratislaviense (Breslau).

Accession number: 
PML 20105
Maguntina : per Petrum Schoffer de Gernβheym, M.cccc.lxxxiij. In vigilia sancti Jacobi apostoli [24 July 1483].
[234] leaves ; 42 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by J.P. Morgan, Jr., 1916.

Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [30]/6r: Presens missale Ad dei laude[m] et honorem. per petru[m] schoffer de gernβheym In inclita ciuitate Magu[n]tina. huius artis Impressorie inuentrice: atq[ue] elimatrice prima. glorioso deo fauente. suis co[n]signando scutis. Impressum et finitum Anno d[omi]ni M.cccc.lxxxiij. In vigilia sancti Jacobi apostoli. [printer's mark]
Printed in Schoeffer's types 2:234G, 4:140G, and 9:149G.
Collation: [1⁶; 2⁸; 3-13⁸; 14⁶ 15-17⁸ 18¹⁰; 19-28⁸ 29-30⁶]: 234 leaves.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Woodcut of Crucifixtion, leaf [13]/8v.
Printed in black and red, with color-printed initial T (Te igitur), leaf [14]/1r.
Variant setting in canon: PML copy in different setting than digitized Krakow copy starting leaf [14]/3r, line 6, "...om[n]ipotens deus: iube hec perferri per ma=..." through final line on leaf [14]/4r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 40.5 x 28 cm.
PML copy with parts of leaves [13]/6-7, [15]/1-2, and [28]/6-8 repaired, often affecting text. Leaf [13]/8 (Crucifixion) rebacked.

15th-century Czech blind-stamped dark brown calf over wooden boards (42 x 28 cm), sewn on 5 supports by the Blüte frei IV böhmisch bindery (EBDB w002824, active ca. 1478-1497). Modern plain paper pastedowns and endleaves, with original vellum endleaves.

Hand decoration: Contemporary Czech (based on binding) rubrication, red and blue initials and red capital strokes. Crucifixion woodcut hand colored. Minimal contemporary marginal notations in text (a few textual corrections); contemporary manuscript inscriptions, "quos operis tui vicarios eisdem [con]tulisti praeesse pas[tores]" (leaf [13]/8r) and two additional mass texts for Sts. Joachim and Otilia (leaves [30]/6v and rear endleaf 1 recto). Contemporary manuscript quire numbers and alpha-numeric signatures, mostly trimmed.

J. Niefert, pastor at Velen (North Rhine-Westphalia) and book/manuscript collector, inscription: "Bibliothece J Niefert, parochi in Velen. 1819" (leaf [1]/1r) and signature (rear endleaf 1 verso); J.P. Morgan, Jr., purchased from Giuseppe Martini, 1916.