Title from half-title page, leaf a[1]r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf ii6v: Curavit libenter qua valuit dilige[n]tia: vvolffga[n]gus hopili[us] ex viciato exe[m]plari hoc opus reddere castigatu[m]: maxi[m]e amore patrie p[ro]motus. Impressu[m] Parisii in pago divi Jacobi/ ad insigne s[an]c[ti]i georgii per ioha[n]ne[m] higmanu[m] Anno d[omi]ni M.cccc.xcvii. pridie k[a]l[ends] decembris.
Printed in Higman and Hopyl's types 12:111G, 13:93G, 14:145G, and 15:62G.
Signatures: [1]⁴; ¹a⁸; a-n⁸ o⁶; A⁸ B⁶; [red]A¹² [red]B⁸; AA-BB⁸ CC¹⁰; aa-hh⁸ ii⁶: 252 leaves. In quire ¹a, leaf 1 unsigned, leaf 2 signed a1, etc.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
At base of half-title page: Distichon. Qui ducis vultus et no[n] vides ista libe[n]ter / Omnibus invideas livide: nemo tibi.
Printed in black and red.
Woodcuts: Mass of St. Gregory (repeated once), Crucifixion, Matyrdom of St. Andrew, St. Martin and the Beggar.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.2 x 20.5 cm.
PML copy missing 4 leaves: quire [1]; quires A-B (Commune apostolorum) bound last; leaf [red]B4 (with Canon woodcut) remargined.
Missale insignis ecclesie Traiectensis
Hand annotations: Contemporary Dutch rubrication, blue initials, primary initials with red penwork and yellow wash (in several places the blue has faded to white, especially that in Canon), and red capital strokes. Woodcuts hand colored. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. 1 vellum leaf at end with manuscript text for St. Quintin, "Missa de sancto qui[n]tus martyre."