Title from half-title page, printed in red, leaf [cross]1r.
Imprint from colophon, printed in red, leaf H8r: IN laudem sanctissime trinitatis totiusq[ue] milicie celestis ad honore[m] et decore[m] s[an]c[t]e ecclesie. Saru[m] anglicane eiusq[ue] deuotissimi cleri: hoc missale diuinorum officiorum vigilanti studio emendatum Iussu et impe[n]sis p[rae]stantissimi viri Winkin de Worde. Impressum London[ensis]. apud Westmonasteriu[m] per Iulianum notaire et Iohanem barbier felici numine expicitu[m] est. Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccc.lxxxxviij. xx. die mensis. Decembris.
Notary and Barbier's printer's mark on leaf [cross]1r; De Worde's Caxton's printer mark, leaf H8v.
Printed in types Notary's 1:92G (BMC: 1a:92(108)G) and 2:110G.
Signatures: [cross]¹⁰; a-m⁸ n⁶ o-z⁸ [and]⁶ [con]⁸ [rum]⁶; A-H⁸: 292 leaves. Leaf [cross]10 not blank, as indicated in BMC.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
3 woodcuts. Printed initials and music staves. Printed throughout in black and red.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.7 x 19.4 cm, heavily trimmed (temoin, leaf B7: 27.2 x 20.4 cm).
PML copy with leaf [cross]10 bound after n6; [cross]10r with manuscript ink offset from [cross]9v, so leaf rebound after expurgation.
Missale secundum usum insignis ecclesie Sarum
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Woodcuts hand colored. Annotations: Extensive 16th-century marginal and interlinear notations in one hand (not same as Richard Bunch or Williams Thomas) throughout providing alternate/updated liturgical readings, with significant losses due to trimming; notations in calendar in English, Latin in text. All references to popes and St. Thomas of Canterbury inked out. Most musical notation unrealized. Additional prayer with music in different/earlier hand than marginal hand (leaf H8r).