Title from ISTC.
Imprint from ISTC. Date from explicit, leaf [34]/4v: Explicit liber iste sit la[us] gl[ori]a t[ibi] [christ]e. Sub a[n]no d[omi]ni Millesimo Quadri[n]ge[n]tesimo Septuagesimo nono fe[r]ia sexta ip[s]o die s[an]cte[m] Elizab[em]. Orate deu[m] p[ro] Imp[re]ssore.
Printed in the Printer of 'Missale Pragense' type 2:125G. Likely also the same printer as the Printer of 'Statuta synodalia' with similar type 1:128G.
Collation: [1⁴; 2⁸ 3⁸(1+1: "-cro sancta") 4-15⁸; 16-33⁸ 34⁴]: 265 leaves, leaf [1]/4 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Many rubrics printed in red.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31.7 x 21 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [1]/4 (blank).
Hand decoration: Contemporary Czech rubrication, painted foliate initials, with foliate border (leaf [2]/1r), red lombards, rubrics in text and calendar, and yellow capital strokes. Illustration of Crucifixion (leaf [15]/8v). Annotations: A few contemporary marginal notations/corrections in text. Manuscript alphabet and several inscriptions/pentrials (rear pastedown, not legible under UV).
Watermark: page 12. Bull's head with 4-petaled flower and leaves on vertical bar.
Watermark: page 13. Bull's head with 4-petaled flower and leaves on taller vertical bar.
Watermark: page 224. Bull's head with 7-petaled flower on vertical bar with cross.
Watermark: page 247. Bull's head with triangle below, and 5-petaled flower on vertical bar.
Watermark: page 248. Bull's head with crown and 6-petaled flower on vertical bar.