Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, printed in red, leaf mm9v: Explicitus est liber missalis bene visus: [et] optima diligentia imp[re]ssus Basilee p[er] p[ro]uidu[m] uiru[m] Michaele[m] wenszler. Anno d[omi]ni millesimo quadringe[n]tesimo octuagesimooctauo.
Printed in Wenssler's types 12:304G, 13:158G, and 14:158G.
Collation: [1⁸ 2⁶]; a¹⁰ b-m⁸ n⁶; [3¹⁰ 4¹²]; o-kk⁸ ll-mm¹⁰: 320 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and mm10 blank.
Paper format: Median folio.
Woodcut Crucifixion, leaf [3]/1v.
Printed in black and red throughout.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 35 x 22.6 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: [1]/ and mm10 (blanks).
Checklist title: Missale Moguntinense
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Musical staves and notation unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. A few notations in the same hand: "S. Iohannes babisla(?) patron [?] der kapell [?] littermund [Litermont, Germany?], 1715" (leaves d8r, and bb6r), and "[illegible] 1751" (leaf [1]/1r).