Title from half-title page, leaf [1]/1r.
Imprint from ISTC.
Printed in Du Pré's types 11:140G, 12:112G, 13:112G, and 14:120G.
Signatures: [1]¹⁰; a-h⁸ i⁶; aa-ee⁸ ff¹⁰ [2]² [3]⁴; A-G⁸; AA-CC⁸ DD⁴: 202 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Woodcuts, and woodcut borders. Woodcut borders printed in red; woodcuts on leaves a1r and a8v in blue.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.6 x 22.2 cm.
Missale Lingonense
Hand decoration: Contemporary French rubrication, alternating red and blue initials, red L-brackets, yellow capital fill, and ruling lines; major initials blue on red ground with gold and white highlights. Woodcut of Crucifixion (leaf [2]/1v) stained from kissing. Annotations: Musical notations added by hand (leaves [2]/2v-[3]/4r). No marginal notations in text. Contemporary manuscript prayers to St. Edmund and Decem milium martirum (Ten thousand martyrs), in 2 hands (front endleaf 3 verso and rear endleaf 1 recto).