[Missale Constantiense].

Accession number: 
PML 34637
Basel : Peter Kollicker, 29 May 1485.
[288] leaves : illus. (woodcuts) ; 41 x 29 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased in 1938.

Title from ISTC.
Colophon (leaf E10v): Accipe hos: diva cleri caterua: libros nonmin[us] raros quam comodissimos are: latrieq[ue] uniformis. constanciensis matrici: vero indices ... Itaq[ue] prefat[us] magister petrus kollicker. hoc geniculat[us] ad tue paternitatis pedes. redonat commissa fide exactum quarto kalendas Junii Ex basilae Anno [Christ]i .M.ccc.lxxxv.
Printed in types 2/3:163/163*G (text), 4:282G (Canon), and 1:84G (signatures).
[1⁶]; a-n¹⁰ o-p¹⁰; [2⁸]; q-v¹⁰ x⁶ y⁸; [3¹⁰ 4⁸] A-C¹⁰ D⁶ E¹⁰: 288 leaves. Quires [3-4] signed 1-5.
Paper format: Royal folio
Preface (leaf a1v), stating that the work has been ordered by Otto IV von Sonnenberg, Bishop of Constance, dated [14]84.
Some texts printed in red.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39.4 x 28.3 cm.

Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards (41 x 29 cm), sewn on 4 supports by Pancracius (a.k.a. Pancratius) Hochberg in Basel (EBDB w000061/Kyriss 57, active ca. 1471-1517). Plain paper pastedowns and contemporary fly leaves; plain endbands. 2 clasps, wanting. Manuscript quire guards on first and last quires from a German manuscript with two different scripts written in perpendicular directions.

Hand decoration: Rubricated, major initials of interlocking red and blue with filigree penwork, alternating red and blue lombards; music not added. Evidence of Canon woodcut being kissed. Annotations: No notations to calendar. Marginal correction, 15th century (leaf r10r) and marginal rubric, 16th century (leaf i4v). Leather index tabs added to outer and bottom edges.

Salem (Baden-Württemberg), Cistercians, inscription: "FFr: in Salem," 17th century (leaf a1r); William Morris (1834-1896), Kelmscott House, Hammersmith, booklabel (front pastedown) and bibliographic notes by Sydney Cockerell, tipped-in (front pastedown); Richard Bennett (1849-1930); Morris sale, Sotheby's, 5 Dec. 1898, lot 794, sold to Bain for £40; Maggs Bros., cat. 656 (1938), no. 360; Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Maggs, 1938.