Title and imprint from colophon, leaf E5v: Cy finist listoire de la destruction de troye la grant mise par parsonnaiges par maistre iacques milet lice[n]cie en loix Et imprimee a paris huytiesme iour de may par Jehan driart Imprimeur demourant ala rue saint Jacques a lenseigne de trois pucelles Lan mil quatrecens quatre vingtz [et] dixhuyt.
Vérard's device, leaf E6r.
Printed in Driart's types 1:106G and 2:80G.
Checklist has variant printer name form: Jean Driard.
Signatures: a-q⁸ r-z⁶/⁸ A-C⁸ D-E⁶: 212 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
32 woodcuts, with repetitions.
For variants see CIBN M-365.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 25.2 x 18 cm, trimmed, affecting some top lines of text.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: E6.
La destruction de Troye
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.