Titulus in lebellu[m] sancti Methodii martyris [et] episcopi Partine[n]sis ecclesie provincie greco[rum] contine[n]s in se reuelationes diuinas a sanctis angelis factas de principio mundi [et] eradicatione varioru[m] regno[rum] atq[ue] vltimi regis romanoru[m] gestis [et] futuro triumpho in turcos atq[ue] deliberatione [christ]iano[rum] ac oppressione sarraceno[rum].

Accession number: 
PML 79708
Methodius, of Olympus, Saint, -311.
[Augsburg] : impressum per sagacem virum Johannem Froschauer, M.cccc.xcvi. kalendas Septembris [1 September 1496].
[46] leaves ; 19 cm (4to)
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Curt F. Bühler Fund, 1988.

Title from half-title leaf, a1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf h3v: Impressum per sagacem viru[m] Iohannem Froschauer conciuem vrbis prefate [i.e. Augusten[se]]. Anno salutis nostre .M.cccc.xcvi. kalendas Septembris.
Printed in Froschauer's types 3:92G, 4:130G, and 5:74G.
Signatures: a-g⁶ h⁴: 46 leaves, leaf h4 blank.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
Printed initials.
On the text of (Pseudo-) Methodius see M. Kmosko in Byzantion 6 (1931) pp.273-96 (Sack(Freiburg)).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 18 x 13.4 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: h4 (blank).

19th/20th-century half brown goatskin, with glazed mottled paper sides, over paper boards (19 x 14 cm), sewn on 3 supports. Plain yellow paper pastedowns and endleaves, with plain paper endleaves.
Variant Title: 

Revelationes divinae a sanctis angelis factae


Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: 2 marginal comments in 17th/18th-century German hand.

Previously part of an unidentified Sammelband (manuscript fragment as fore-edge tab, leaf a1); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Lathrop C. Harper, Inc. on the Curt F. Bühler Fund, 1988.