Incipiu[n]t flores beati Augustini extracti per veritates ex libris de civitate dei per magistrum Fransciscum de Mayronis de ordine fratrum minorum.

Accession number: 
PML 78315
Maioranis, Franciscus de.
[Cologne] : [Printer of 'Flores Sancti Augustini' (Johann Schilling)], [about 1473]
[100] leaves ; 29 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the L.C. Harper Fund and Herzog Fund, 1985.

Title from incipit (leaf [1]/2r).
Printed in type 100G (leaded to 109) attributed to Johann Schilling.
The printer is tentatively identified as Johann Veldener by S. Corsten, in Journal of the Printing Historical Society 11 (1976/77), pp. 1-18, but as Johann Schilling by P. Needham, "William Caxton and His Cologne Partners," in Ars impressoria, pp. 121-22. Needham also argues that the supposed advertisement for this edition (at München BSB: GW(Einbl) 507; Burger(Buchhändleran) 19) is in fact a strayed title-leaf.
Collation: [1-10]¹⁰: 100 leaves; leaf [10]/10 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Voulliéme, Der Buchdruck Kölns, 184 appears to describe a variant, uncorrected, setting of the last leaf (ISTC).
Incipit on leaf [1]/2r printed in red.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.4 x 20.6 cm.

16th-century reused parchment over thin paste board (29.5 x 20.5 cm), sewn on 4 supports; incunabula or early 16th-century printing waste under pastedowns. Plain paper pastedowns and fly leaves; plain endbands. 4 leather ties, wanting. Blue and white label pasted around spine, blue printed frame and perforated edge (5.5 x 3.8 cm).
Variant Title: 

Flores Sancti Augustini ex libris De civitate dei extracti


Hand decoration: Rubricated, alternating red and purple lombards with blue and red penwork decoration, red and purple paragraph marks; illuminated gold initial with marginal floral decoration (leaf [1]/2r). Annotations: 15th-century manuscript quire signatures. Some contemporary Latin notations throughout. 16th-century(?) Spanish inscription (at end second fly leaf recto). Modern foliation.

Inscription, abraded (leaf [1]/1r); Córdoba (Spain), Jesuits, College de la Compania de Jesus, inscription "de la comp[an]ia de Ihe[sus] de Cordova" (front pastedown) and oval stamp "Coleg de la Comp de Jesus de Cordov" (leaf [1]/2r), possibly shelf mark: "S 24" (fore edge) and manuscript titles (fore and bottom edges); unidentified shelf mark label (empty): round frame with a string of pearls on a square perforated label (front pastedown); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Lathrop C. Harper, 1985.