Title from caption, leaf [1]/2r: De[us] cu[m] tua gr[ati]a sapie[n]tia et amore incipit ars brevis: q[ue] e[st] ymago artis: q[ue] sic intitulat[ur]. De[us] cu[m] tua su[m]ma p[er]fect[i]o[n]e i[n]cipit ars generalis [et]c.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [3]/7v: Deo dante: diviniu[m] opus ars brevis reverendissimi magistri Raymundi lull nuncupatu[m]: Anno millesimo .cccc° .lxxxi° .xxi. septe[m]bris: p[er] Petru[m] posa presbiteru[m] et Petrum bru [sic] socios impressu[m] Barchinone opti[m]e fideliterq[eu] finiuit.
Printed in Posa's type 1:110G.
Signatures: [1¹² 2¹⁰ 3⁸]: 30 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [3]/8 blank.
Paper format: Chancery quarto
Typographic diagrams and volvelle (leaf [1]/6r); diagram on leaf [1]/3v printed in red.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20.2 x 14.8 cm.
Ars brevis
Hand decoration: German rubrication (same throughout volume), alternating red and blue initials, red capital strokes and underlining, dated 1500 (leaf b9v of Janua artis). Annotations: Several contemporary marginal notations throughout (different hand than rest of volume); in another hand (also not same as rest of volume) notes on consecration of the Coprus Christi mention town of Seefeld (Bavaria or Tyrol?). Contempoary foliation, by Pol(?) (with more modern version of 4, 5, and 7 than typically seen in 15th century).