Title from incipit, leaf a2.
Imprint from colophon, leaf m7r.
Printed in Fridenperger's type 1:112R.
Signatures: a-m⁸: 96 leaves, leaves a1 and m8 blank/unsigned.
Paper format: Chancery folio
The two paragraphs of text following the colophon repeat parts of verses and commentary given earlier in the text. Presumably they are the notes of a manuscript owner, which the printer mistook for text.--Cf. BM 15th cent. VII, p. 953.
There are two settings of c4 and d7: line 24 of c4 recto may begin with a separate Q or a single Qu; line 11 of d7 recto may read "Capitula praecedentis libri secundi" or "Capitula h[uius] secundi libri."
1 column, 41 lines. Capital spaces with guide letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30 x 20.5 cm., trimmed.
De rerum natura liber primus incipit foeliciter
Hand decoration: Contemporary Italian rubrication, blue lombard with red filigree penwork, alternating red and blue paragraph marks. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. 15th-century title inscription: "Lucreti de rer[um] Na[tura]" (leaf a1r).