Title from contents list (leaf [1]r).
Imprint from colophon (leaf K6r): ... E opifitio del prudente homo Paganino de Paginini da Brescia. Nella excelsa cita de vinegia ... Neglia[n]ni de nostra Salute M.cccc.lxliiii. adi .10. de nove[m]bre. ...
At end of register (leaf [1]v): Registrum Geometrie: quere in ultima carta totius operis. M.cccc.lxliiii.xx. Novembris. venetiis
Printed in Paganini's types 9/12:130G, 10:92Ga, 8:84G, and 13:68Gb.
Signatures: ⁸; a-z [et] [con]⁸ [rum]¹⁰ AA¹⁴; A-H⁸ I-K⁶: 308 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Incipit printed in red (leaf a1r).
Two re-issues exist with some sheets reprinted (IGI 7133, 7134; cf. BMC). D.A. Clarke (Gb Jb 1974 pp. 90-92) dates IGI 7133 after 1509, and 7134 after 13 Aug. 1502 (cf. Walsh). Pell 3060 (CIBN II p.355) belongs to the edition printed by the same printer, Toscolano, 1523, which also retained the 1494 imprint (ISTC).
Variants within copies of IGI 7132 and between IGI 7132 and 7134 are noted by A.G.B. Dunlop, in Abacus 21 (1985) pp.149-73. For a discussion of the edition size, see A. Sangster, in Accounting Historians Journal 34 (2007) pp.125-45) (ISTC).
Author's name in ISTC: Lucas de Burgo S. Sepulchri
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.8 x 21.9 cm.
PML copy with contemporary bifolium fly leaves at front and rear.
Summa de arithmetica geometria proportioni e proportionalita
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.