Title and imprint from colophon (leaf G3v): 'Expliciunt tenores novelli Impressi per me vvilhelm[e]n le tailleur in opulentissima ciuitate rothomagensi iuxta prioratum sancti laudi ad instantiam Richardi pynson.'
Printed in La Talleur's types 4:80Ga, 6:85G, and 7:81B.
Signatures: A⁸ B-F⁶ G⁴: 42 leaves, leaf G4 blank. Leaves A2-8 signed A1-7.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Suggested date of publication from Rhodes (1095).
La Talleur's woodcut device on leaf A1r (the first leaf).
'Incipit tabula huius libri.' (leaf A1v, the first leaf).
Text begins on second leaf (leaf A"1"r): '[T]enannt en fee simple est celuy qui ad terres ou tenementes a tener a luy et a se[e]s heires a tout[e]s iours et est appelle en laten ... '
Dibdin Typographical Antiquities vol. ii. p.5. note refers to this very rare edition which some consider the Editio Princeps, as against that by J. Lettou & W. de Machlinia.
A full page of text has 47 lines.
Spaces left for initials (no guide letters).
Some copies could have Pynson's device rather than La Talleur's on A1r (BMC).
The earliest known book with a Pynson imprint. See BMC XI 343.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.5 x 19.5 cm.
Tenores novelli
Hand decoration: Rubricated, initials added by amateruish hand. Annotations: Heavily annotated in several 16th-century hands (Sakevyle, Boorde, and Griffith) and Roman numeral foliation starting on leaf A2r. Annotations partially inked out (leaf G4v).