Title and imprint from colophon, leaf i6v: Expliciu[n]t Tenores nouelli Imp[re]ssi p[er] nos Ioh[ann]em lettou [et] Will[ia]m de machlinia i[n] Ci[vi]tate Londonia[rum] iuxta ecc[lesi]am o[mn]i[u]m s[anc]to[rum].
Date from BMC.
Printed in Lettou and Machlinia's types 1:140G and 2:102G.
Signatures: a-h⁸ i⁶: 70 leaves, leaf a1 blank. Leaf a2 signed a1, etc.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
According to Goff known in two variant states.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 21.6 x 14.5 cm, all leaves fully inlaid.
PML copy with multiple leaves damaged, repaired with some losses to text.
Tenores novelli
Hand decoration: Contemporary English rubrication, primary initials in blue with red foliate decoration with rest of initials in red and underlining (blue pigment washed away in PML copy). Rubrication likely from Lettou shop, see BMC XI 248-49 and Fig. 18. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations sporadically throughout volume, although mostly obliterated by trimming of leaves.