Recuyell of the historyes of Troye.

Accession number: 
PML 771
Lefèvre, Raoul, active 1460.
[Ghent?] : [David Aubert?, for William Caxton], [about 1473-1474]
[352] leaves ; 28 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased with the Amherst collection, 1908.

Author, title, and translator from incipit (leaf [1]/2r): Here begynneth the volume intituled and named the recuyell of the historyes of Troye/ composed and drawen out of dyverce bookes of latyn in to frensshe by the ryght venerable persone and worshipfull man. Raoul le ffeure. preest and chapelayn unto the ryght noble gloryous and myghty prynce in his tyme Phelip duc of Bourgoyne of Braband [etc]. In the yere of the Incarnacion of our lord god a thousand foure honderd sixty and foure/ And translated and drawen out of frenshe into englisshe by Willyam Caxton mercer of [th]e cyte of London/ at the comau[n]deme[n]t of the right hye myghty and vertuouse Pryncesse hys redoubtyd lady. Margarete by grace of god. Duchesse of Bourgoyne of Lokryk of Braband [etc]/ Whiche sayd translacion and werke was begonne in Brugis in the Countee of Flaundres the fyrst day of marche the yere of the Incarnacion of our said lord god a thousand foure honderd sixty and eyghte/ And ended and fynysshid in the holy cyte of Colen the .xix. day of septembre the yere of our sayd lord god a thousand foure honderd sixty and enleven [etc].
Caxton began translating the work on 1 March 1468 in Bruges and completed it in Cologne on 19 September 1471.
Collation: [1-14¹⁰ 15⁸; 16-24¹⁰ 25⁸ 26⁶; 27-36¹⁰]: 352 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank.
On Caxton's prologues and epilogues, see Crotch, The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton, Early English Text Society, no. 176 (London, 1928), pp. 2-8.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.9 x 19.2 cm
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [1]/1 (blank). Leaves [1]/2 and [36]/10 repaired.
Printed in Caxton's type 1:120B.
Printing also assigned to Caxton at Bruges. For Caxton's association with David Aubert and the location of his press at Ghent rather than Bruges, see L. Hellinga, "William Caxton, Colard Mansion, and the Printed in Type 1," Bulletin du bibliophile (2011), pp. 86-114 (ISTC).
Prologue printed in red.
Translated from the French by William Caxton.

Modern blind-tooled full brown goatskin over boards (28 x 21 cm), sewn on 5 supports by Duprez-Lahey, 1910; formerly bound in green morocco by Charles Lewis (see De Ricci). Plain paper doublures and fly leaves; decorative endbands; all edges gilt. Several

Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards and capital strokes. Annotations: Note on Alcumena, washed (leaf [12]/10r) and inscription at end, washed (leaf [36]/9v).

Thomas Fairfax, inscription: "Sir Th. Fairfax the edler knight oweth [sic] this booke" (endleaf 4 recto); Bryan Fairfax (1676-1749), his sale, Prestgate (London), 6 April 1756, lot 2026, entire library purchased prior to sale by: Francis Child (d. 1763), through inheritance to: Victor Child Villiers (1845-1915), 7th Earl of Jersey, armorial Osterley Park bookplate (front pastedown), his sale, Sotheby's, 6 May 1885, lot 967, to Bernard Quaritch for: William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst, Baron Amherst (1835-1909), armorial bookplate (front pastedown), his sale, Sotheby's London, 3 Dec. 1908, lot 542, purchased prior to sale by: Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased with the Amherst collection, 1908.