Title from Caxton's Prologue (leaf a2r): For as moche as late by the comau[n]dement of the right hye [and] noble princesse my right redoubted lady / My lady Margarete by the grace of god Duchesse of Bourgoyne Brabant [etc.]. I translated aboke out of frenssh in to Englissh named Recuyel of the histories of Troye / in whiche is comprehended how Troye was thries destroyed And also the labours [and] histories of Saturnus. Tytan. Jubyter Perseus and Hercules / [and] other noo therin Rehersed. but as to the historie of Jason / towchyng the conqueste of the golden flese / myn auctor hath not sett in his his boke. but brevely and the cause is for asmoche as he hadde made before aboke of the hoole lyf of Jason. ... Therefore under the proteccion [and] suffraunce of the most hyghe puissant [and] [christ]en kyng. my most dradde naturel liege Lord Edward by the grace of god kyng of englond and of Fraunce and lord of Irland / I entende to translate the sayd boke of thistories of Jason.
Printed in Caxton's type 2:135B.
Date based on paper stocks.
Translated from French by William Caxton.
Collation: [1-18⁸ 19⁶]: 150 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [19]/6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Two settings of the inner form of leaves [1]/2.7 and [1]/3.6, see Bühler, "Caxton's History of Jason" and BMC XI 107.
PML copy has the A settings in the inner form of leaves [1]/2.7 and [1]/3.6. NNPM
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.3 x 20 cm. NNPM
History of Jason
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards and paragraph marks. First 4 folios in each quire signed 1-4. Annotations: Moderate notations throughout text, including writing out first line (leaf [6]/1r), Welsh inscriptions, ca. 1600 (leaves [9]/6r and [14]/8r), and inscriptions (leaves [14]/5r, [15]/8r, and [19]/6v); pentrials throughout; incised signature (leaf [3]/6r). Modern pencil pagination at top center of each recto, and pencil notation "this leaf is to be copied" (leaf [9]/8r). NNPM