Incipit (leaf a2v): In comincia el dignissimo Fasiculo [sic] de Medicina in Volgare el quale tracta de tute le infirmitate del corpo Humano & de la Anotomia de quello: & multi altri Tractati composti p[er] diversi Excelentissimi Doctori con auctorita e Testi provadi: & prima la exposition del colore delle Urine e iudicio de quelle.
Colophon (leaf i4r): Qui finisce el Fasciculo de medicina Vulgarizato per Sabastiano Manilio Romano Esta[m]pito per Zuane & Gregorio di Gregorii. Nel M.cccclxxxxiii. adi .v. Februario in Venexia.
Printed in types 23:82R, 24*:55G, and 26:110R.
Signatures: a-h⁶ i⁴: 52 leaves.
Paper format: Super-chancery folio.
All three texts translated into Italian by Sebastiano Manilio.
Illustrated with 10 full-page woodcuts; one of which, The Dissection (leaf f2v), is printed in color.
Johannes de Ketham can be convincingly identified as Hans von Kircheim of Swabia, fl. 1455-1470, professor of medicine in Vienna, who used this collection for his lectures and recommended it to his pupils. This collection of texts was in circulation by 1400. See K. Sudhoff, The Fasciculus Medicinae of Johannes de Ketham, Alemanus. Facsimile of the first, Venetian, edition of 1491 (Milan, 1924).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31.5 x 21.2 cm.
Fascicolo di medicina
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Urine woodcut (leaf a2r) hand colored. Annotations: Urine samples are numbered in a contemporary hand; no other notations in text.