A 10-leaf quire with Calderinus, Defensio adversus Brotheum, printed in Rubeus's type 1 was included with this edition by Reichling (ISTC ic00043500); it is now considered a separate work after CIBN.
Collation: a-g⁸: 56 leaves, leaf a1 and g8 blank, leaf a2 signed a1 and f1 missigned h1.
Colophon (leaf g7v): Novembris Juvenalis Aquinatis Satiraru[m] Libri Impressi Pinerolii Diligentissime Arte Et Ingenio Jacobi De Rubeis Natione Galici. VIII. kL. novembris Anno cristi. M.CCCC.LXXVIIII.
Incipit (leaf a1r): Materiam ac causas satyrarum hac i[n]spice prima.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.3 x 21.5 cm
PML copy missing 1 leaf: g8 (blank).
Printed in Rubeus's type 1:110/111R.
The colophon date is perhaps copied from that of the Pinerolo edition of Boethius (Goff B-770), or vice versa.
Checklist title: Saturae
Hand decoration: Rubricatioin unrealized. Annotations: "Juvenalis cum reprehensionibus Domitii Chalderinii," 15th century (leaf a1r). Contemporary quire signatures, mainly trimmed, numbered xvii-xxiii. One manicule in Satire 14, 16th century(?) (leaf g1v)