Title from ISTC.
Colophon I (leaf [20]/8v): Josephi historiographi viri clarissimi. libri antiquitatum numero vigi[n]ti. per Johannem schüsler. Civem Augustensem finiunt feliciter non scriptorum qui dem arte. sed qua nostra tandem etas dotata est. impressoria s[e]c[undum] exarati. Anno a nativitate currente dominica. Mille: simoquadringentesimoseptuagesimo. kale[n]das vero iulias quarto.
Colophon II (leaf [29]/8v): Josephi historiographi viri clarissimi. libri de bello judaico septem. finiunt feliciter. per. Joha[n]nem schüssler civem Augustensem impressi. kalendas septembris decimo. Anno vero a p[ar]tu virginis salutifero .Millesimoq[ua]dringentesimo septuagesimo.
Printed in two parts, dated 28 June and 23 August 1470, respectively.
Printed in type 1:117G.
Collation: [1-3¹² 4-16¹⁰ 17⁸ 18-19¹⁰ 20⁸; 21-27¹⁰ 28-29⁸]: 288 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank.
Paper format: Royal folio
Translation ascribed to Rufinus Aquileiensis.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39.8 x 29.5 cm.
De antiquitate Judaicae
Hand decoration: Illuminated initial with foliate border decoration (Augsburg style, leaf [1]/2r), red and green alternating major initials with alternate color filigree penwork, red lombards and paragraph marks, L-brackets around chapter numbers in text (Schüssler shop rubrication). Annotations: Alpha-numeric manuscript quire signatures at gutter edge in De antiquitate Judaica and outer edge in De bello Judaico, where they start over at 'a'. Minimal contemporary notations in several hands. Manuscript headlines from Bk. XIII of Antiquitates to Ch. XXVI of Bello, 17th century.