Opus postillaru[m] et sermonum Jordani de tempore.

Accession number: 
PML 26991
Jordan, von Quedlinburg, approximately 1299-1380.
Impressum Argentine : [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], .M.cccclxxxiii [1483].
[14] CCLIII [1], [8] CCLV-CCCCLX [1] leaves ; 36.5 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased in 1929.

Title from half-title page, part I, leaf [1]/1r.
Imprint from colophon, part II, leaf [25]/5v: Explicit opus postillarum [et] sermonu[m] de euangeliis dominicalibus co[m]pilatum a fratre Jordano de Quedelinburg lectore Magdeburgensi ordinis frat[rum] heremitarum beati Augustini. Impressum Arge[n]tine Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccclxxxiii.
Printed in Husner's types 1:102G, 2:110G, and 3:100G.
Collation, part I, pars hiemalis: [1⁸ 2⁶; 3-13⁸ 14⁶ 15-17⁸ 18-25⁸/⁶ 26⁶ 27-28⁸ 29⁶ 30⁸ 31¹⁰]: 234 leaves, leaf [31]/10 blank; part II, pars aestivalis: [1-2⁸ 3⁶ 4-5⁸ 6⁶ 7-10⁸ 11⁶ 12-13⁸ 14⁶ 15-16⁸ 17⁶ 18-19⁸ 20⁶ 21-22⁸ 23⁶ 24⁸ 25⁶]: 184 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [25]/6 blank.
Paper format: Median folio
PML copy listed under Division A in Checklist.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 34.7 x 24 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: part I, leaf [1]/1 (half-title cut out and glued to pastedown) and part II, leaf [25]/6 (blank).

17th-18th-century German sprinkled calf over wooden boards (36.5 x 25 cm), sewn on 5 supports. Plain paper pastedowns; decorative endbands.
Variant Title: 

Opus postillarum et sermonum de tempore


Hand decoration: Contemprary rubrication, red initials (primary initials with penwork decoration), paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining. Annotations: Sporadic contemporary notations throughout text, more prevalent at end of part I. Contemporary alpha-numeric quire signatures at bottom-center margin.

Unidentified inscription in a German hand, abraded, 15th century (part I, leaf [1]/2r); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from L. C. Harper, Inc., Nov. 1929.