Title from incipit, part I, leaf [1]/2r: Hie hebt sich an der heilige[n] leben. In dem winterteil vnd zům erste[n] von dem lieben her[e]n vn[d] ertzengel Sant michahel.
Incipit, part II, leaf [1]/2r: Hie hebt sich an das sumer teil der heyligen leben vnd tzů dem ersten von dem lieben heyligen lerer sant ambrosio dem bischoff.
Colophon, part I, leaf [29]/10r: Gedruckt vo[n] mir Ginthero zeiner geboren auβ Reutlingen wonent czů Augsburg. Am freytag vor Symonis vnd Iude. Als man zalt von der gepurt Cristi/ Tausent vierhundert vnd in dem ein vnd sibenczigisten Iare [et]c.
Colophon, part II, leaf [24]/4v: Gedruckt vo[n] mir Ginthero zeiner geboren auβ Reutlingen wonent zů Augspurg/ Am montag nach Sant Iörgen tag/ Als man zalt von der geburdt Cristi/ Tausent vierhunndert vnd in dem czwey vnd sibenczigisten Iare.
Printed in Zainer's type 2:118G.
Listed under Division A in PML Checklist.
The two parts are dated: I) 25 October 1471; II) 27 April 1472.
Collation, part I: [1¹⁰ 2⁶ 3⁶(+1) 4¹⁰ 5⁶ 6⁴(+1) 7¹⁰ 8⁶ 9⁶(+1) 10¹⁰ 11⁶ 12⁸ 13¹⁰ 14¹⁰(+1) 15¹⁰ 16⁶ 17⁸ 18¹⁰ 19¹² 20¹⁰ 21¹⁰(+1) 22¹⁰ 23¹⁰(+1) 24¹⁰ 25⁸(+1) 26¹⁰ 27¹⁰(+1) 28-29¹⁰]: 260 leaves; part II: [1¹⁰ 2⁸ 3¹⁰ 4⁸(+1) 5¹⁰ 6⁸(+1) 7¹⁰ 8⁶(+1) 9¹⁰ 10⁶ 11¹⁰ 12⁸ 13¹⁰ 14⁸ 15¹⁰ 16⁸ 17¹⁰ 18⁸ 19¹⁰ 20⁸(+1) 21¹⁰ 22⁶(+1) 23¹⁰ 24⁶]: 213 leaves, leaves [24]/5-6 blank.
Paper format: Median folio.
Woodcuts in part I (Winterteil) printed after the text, see Schreiber, 4298.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 34.5 x 23 cm.
PML copy missing 4 leaves, part I, leaves [1]/1-2, [20]/2 and [21]/2, replaced in facsimile; all leaves remargined to match dimensions of part II, with some losses to text replaced in ink facsimile.
Heiligen leben
Part I: Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, alternating red and blue initials and paragraph marks; woodcuts hand colored. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Contemporary inscription "Amen" at colophon, in red rubrication ink (with Augsburg-style rotunda A).
Part II: Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials; woodcut initial, border, and illustration hand colored on first text leaf (leaf [1]/2r) only. Later foliation. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.