Title from incipit (leaf [1]/1r): Liber de miseria humane condic[i]onis. Lotarii dyaconi sancto[rum] Sergi et Bachi cardinalis qui postea Innocentius terci[us] appelatus e[st]. Anno d[omi]ni Mccccxlviii.
Explicit (leaf [4]/6r): Explicit liber de miseria conditionis humane.
Printed in type 1:125/129G.
Collation: [1-3¹⁰ 4⁶]: 36 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Amelung (Frühdruck I, p.XVII) identifies the printer tentatively as Conrad Mancz. For discussion of the date, see BMC.
Bearer type on leaf [4]/6r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27 x 19.4 cm.
De miseria humanae conditionis
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized, lombards on leaves [1]/1v-[1]/2r only. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Modern pencil foliation starting at 21, suggesting this was previously bound with another work, not lost.