Title from incipit (leaf a1r): Hie hebt sich an die auβlegung Humberti. deβ hohen lerers. der etwen ain gemainer maister gewesen ist über den gantzen prediger orden über sant Augustins regel...
Printed in Dinckmut's types 3:147G and 4:121G.
Collation: [1⁴]; a-z⁸ /⁸ [dot]¹⁰: 206 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
For uncorrected proof leaves used as waste in bindings, see Amelung, Frühdruck I 102 & Abb. 147, 149.
Current research suggests the Dominican Georg Falder-Pistoris (d. 29 Dec. 1452) or Johannes Meyer (d. 20 July 1485) as possible translators (ISTC).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27 x 19.3 cm.
Hand decoration: Unrubricated, rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations.