Title from incipit, leaf a2r.
Xylographic title, part I, leaf a1r: Ortus sanitatis translate de latin en francois.
Xylogrpahic title, part II, leaf A1r: Le traictie. des bestes. oyseaux poissons. pierres precieuses et orines. de jardin de sa[n]te.
Imprint from colophon, leaf B8r: Cestuy present oeuvre treslicitement appelle le iardin de sante translate de latin en fra[n]cois la grace de dieu aydant A este nouvelleme[n]t imprime a paris pour Anthoine verard/ marchant libraire demouraut [sic] a Paris en la rue saint Iaques pres petit pont a lenseigne saint iehan leva[n]geliste Ou au palais au premier pillier devant la chapelle ou len chante la messe de messeigneurs les presidens.
Printed in Vérard's types 11:97G and 17:85G. Vérard's device, leaf B8v.
Dated from CIBN. GW dates as [after 25 October 1499].
Signatures: part I: a⁸ b-z [et] aa-xx⁶ yy⁴; a-b⁶ c⁴: 292 leaves, leaf yy4 blank; part II: A-X AA-FF⁶ GG⁸ aaa⁶ bbb⁸; A⁶ B⁸: 198 leaves, leaf bbb8 blank.
Paper format: Median folio.
Woodcut illustrations and printed initials.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 32 x 22.5 cm.
PML copy with tables to part I (a-b⁶ c⁴) bound at end before tables to part II (A⁶ B⁸).
Jardin de sante
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. A few 16th/17th-century marginal corrections to tables. Note on leaf b2v is partly trimmed but looks more like a 16th-century German hand than a French one.