Collation: [1]⁶; A-V⁶; X-Z, AA-II⁶ KK-LL⁸; [35]⁶: 220 leaves, leaf LL8 blank.
Edited by Jacobus Locher.
Imprints from colophon on leaf LL7 verso, which reads: Elaboratum impressumq[ue] est hoc ... Horatij flacci Venusini lyrici Poete opus ... in celebri: libera: imperialiq[ue] vrbe Argentina. opera & i[m]pensis sedulis q[uo]q[ue] laborib[us] Prouidi viri Ioha[n]nis Reinhardi cognome[n]to Gürninger [sic] ciuis eiusde[m] vrbis arge[n]tinensis: q[ua]rto idus Marcij. absolutu[m] vero Anno domini M. cccc.xcviij.
Includes an abridged version of the commentaries of Pomponius Porphyrio, Pseudo-Acro, Cristoforo Landino and Antonio Mancinelli.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.5 x 20 cm
PML copy missing 1 leaf: LL8 (blank).
Printed foliation "I-CCVII" on leaves A1-LL7, with errors.
Printed in Grüninger's types 19:280G (title), 17:145G (title and headlines), 22:89R (text), 23:64bR (notes), and 4:52G (point letters).
Spaces left blank for initials, with printed guide letters.
Title from title page on leaf [pi1] recto.
With the commentary by Nicolaus Perottus.
Woodcut illustrations throughout, including the 3-part block of an author seated at his desk on leaf [pi1] recto, repeated nine times in text with the blocks in various combinations, eight integral woodcuts, of which 3 repeated, and 147 illustrations assembled from combinations of 2-5 smaller blocks, many of which repeated.
Woodcut printer's device on leaf LL7.
Horatii Flacci Venusini poetae lirici opera cum quibusdam annotationibus imaginibusque pulcherrimis aptisque ad odarum concentus et sententias
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards and paragraph marks. Very light ink frame ruling added to each page. Annotations: French titles added to woodcuts in quires A-B, including: Ceasar is labeled "Grand seigne[ur]" (leaf A3r) and the city is labeled "Petit Paris" (leaf B1v). Modern bibliographic notes on second front fly leaf recto.