Horatij flacci Venusini. Poete lirici opera cu[m] quibusdam Annotat[i]o[n]ib[us] Imaginibusq[ue] pulcherrimis aptisq[ue] ad Odaru[m] conce[n]tus & sente[n]tias.

Accession number: 
PML 20553
Strasbourg : Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger, 12 March 1498.
[6], CCVII, [7] leaves : illustrations, device (woodcuts) ; 30 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1909.

Collation: [1]⁶; A-V⁶; X-Z, AA-II⁶ KK-LL⁸; [35]⁶: 220 leaves, leaf LL8 blank.
Edited by Jacobus Locher.
Imprints from colophon on leaf LL7 verso, which reads: Elaboratum impressumq[ue] est hoc ... Horatij flacci Venusini lyrici Poete opus ... in celebri: libera: imperialiq[ue] vrbe Argentina. opera & i[m]pensis sedulis q[uo]q[ue] laborib[us] Prouidi viri Ioha[n]nis Reinhardi cognome[n]to Gürninger [sic] ciuis eiusde[m] vrbis arge[n]tinensis: q[ua]rto idus Marcij. absolutu[m] vero Anno domini M. cccc.xcviij.
Includes an abridged version of the commentaries of Pomponius Porphyrio, Pseudo-Acro, Cristoforo Landino and Antonio Mancinelli.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.5 x 20 cm
PML copy missing 1 leaf: LL8 (blank).
Printed foliation "I-CCVII" on leaves A1-LL7, with errors.
Printed in Grüninger's types 19:280G (title), 17:145G (title and headlines), 22:89R (text), 23:64bR (notes), and 4:52G (point letters).
Spaces left blank for initials, with printed guide letters.
Title from title page on leaf [pi1] recto.
With the commentary by Nicolaus Perottus.
Woodcut illustrations throughout, including the 3-part block of an author seated at his desk on leaf [pi1] recto, repeated nine times in text with the blocks in various combinations, eight integral woodcuts, of which 3 repeated, and 147 illustrations assembled from combinations of 2-5 smaller blocks, many of which repeated.
Woodcut printer's device on leaf LL7.

Modern half brown goatskin with cloth sides over paper boards (30.5 x 21 cm) stitched through multiple stations. Plain paper pastedowns and fly leaves; decorative endbands. Binder's note ([35]/6v: "246 crimson mor. felt top B.B."
Variant Title: 

Horatii Flacci Venusini poetae lirici opera cum quibusdam annotationibus imaginibusque pulcherrimis aptisque ad odarum concentus et sententias


Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards and paragraph marks. Very light ink frame ruling added to each page. Annotations: French titles added to woodcuts in quires A-B, including: Ceasar is labeled "Grand seigne[ur]" (leaf A3r) and the city is labeled "Petit Paris" (leaf B1v). Modern bibliographic notes on second front fly leaf recto.

Inscriptions, abraded (leaf [1]/1r); "No. 2055," modern pencil inscription (leaf [1]/1v); Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased from Bernard Quaritch, January 1909.