Qvinti Horatii Flacci Venvsini carminvm liber primvs ad Mecoenatem.

Accession number: 
PML 18068
[Milan] Philippi de Lauagnia, Anno a Natali Christiano .Mcccclxxvi. die .xvi. Februarii [16 February 1476].
[126] leaves ; 28 x 18 cm. (quarto)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1904-5.

Title from caption (leaf A2r).
Imprint from colophon (leaf Q7r): Hoc opus Horatii emendatissimum impressum est op[er]a & impensis Philippi de Lauagnia ciuis mediolanensis. Anno a Natali Christiano .Mcccclxxvi. die .xvi. Februarii. Amen.
Printed in Lavagnia's type 3:107/108R.
Signatures: A-G⁸H⁶I-Q⁸: 126 leaves, leaves A1 and Q8 blank. Printed signatures are well below the text block and have been trimmed away in many copies. Leaf A1 unsigned; A2 signed A, etc.
Paper format: Royal quarto
Spaces left for initials, with printed guide-letters.

Modern gilt-tooled red goatskin over paper boards (28 x 17 cm.), sewn on 6 supports by C.M. Ullman, 1966. Marbled paper pastedowns and fly leaves with plain paper fly leaves; decorative endbands; red edges with gilt decoration. Former fly leaf preserved in dept. file.
Variant Title: 

Quinti Horatii Flacci Venusini carminum liber primus ad Mecoenatem


Hand decoration: Only 1 initial realized (leaf A2r), with armorial in bottom margin and drawing of bare tree with banderole: "sine fronde tamen vivam" in outer margin (related to armorial?). Rubrication otherwise unrealized. Annotations: Marginal NB marks and manicules throughout work.

Horatio Filippo Trivisano, signature: "Horatius phi: trivisani," 15th century (leaf A1r); unidentified double armorial: 1) gold and blue, with a lion of blue and gold and a red bend and 2) blue, with a lion striped in white/silve and gold, with motto "Numqaum," 15th century (leaf A2r) -- previously identified as Bolognini-Attendolo arms but incorrect; Charles Spencer (1674-1722), 3rd Earl of Sunderland, shelf mark: C 4: 81 (front fly leaf verso, preserved from previous binding), through inheritance to: John Winston Spencer-Churchill (1822-1883), 7th Duke of Marlborough; Bibliotheca Sunderlandia sale, part III, Puttick & Simpson, 17 July 1882, lot 6356 purchased by Quaritch: Sunderland Library Blenheim Palace bookplate, purchased July 1882 (front pastedown); Bernard Quaritch, General Catalogue (1884), no. 18664, cat. 145 (1893), no. 445 for £31.10.0, and cat. 164 (Oct. 1896), no. 135 for £30; John Paul Bocock (1856-1903), bookplate dated 1902 (front pastedown); Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased from J.P. Bocock, 1904-1905 (accessioned 1908).